Dashcam Viewer is a software application for viewing movies, GPS data, and shock-sensor data recorded by your dashcam or action cam. Dashcam Viewer supports over 70 camera models.
What Dashcam Viewer can do for you:
Play your dashcam videos on the main screen while watching your vehicle’s speed, distance, position, bearing, and shock-sensor data update on graphs, data displays, and maps.
“Geotag” points of interest along your route. Export these to a file. Or import them back in.
Export your GPS tracks to common file formats such as comma-separated value (CSV), Google Earth KML, and GPS-exchange (GPX) for further data analysis.
Export portions of videos to new clips
Combine multiple videos into a single video
And much more!
The Main Window controls movie selection, playback, and data export. The individual buttons and sliders are described below:
Select movie folder
Select individual movie files
Export all GPS track data to CSV file
Export all GPS track data to GPX file
Export all GPS track data to Google Earth KML file
Export view to PNG image
Export portion of movie to separate movie file
Switch dual-channel display modes
Merge multiple movies into a single large movie
Arrange ancillary windows to the right of the main window
Re-center movie(s) in viewer frame
Modify preferences
Current speed
Current date/time
Picture-in-picture view (Mac only)
Current movie scrubber
Movie file selector
Jump To fastest point in movie or Jump To a specific movie
Reveal movie in Finder
Current movie filename, file size, framerate
Save or delete settings on a per-movie basis
Jump back one or ten movies
Instant Replay
Increase/decrease playback rate
Jump forward one or ten movies
Create Geotag
Volume and mute controls
Dashcam Viewer supports the following action and dash cameras. For dashcams with 2 channels (front/rear), Dashcam Viewer supports picture-in-picture mode.
- miGO! DC710
- Abee V51
- Akaso Dash Cam V1 (early firmware)
- Apeman C550
- Aukey DR02
- Ausdom A261 Car DVR
- Azdome GS63H
- BlackBox B40 A118
- BlackVue DR400, DR500, DR550GW-2CH, DR650GW-2CH, Blackvue DR750S-1CH, DR750GW-2CH, DR750S-2CH (2-channel support)
- Blaupunkt BP 3.0 (Mac version only)
- Cobra CDR855BT
- Contour+2 Action Cam
- Crosstour CR750 (2-channel support)
- Crosstour CR900 (early firmware), 2-channels support
- DOD GS600
- DOD LS470W
- DOD RC500S 2CH
- E-PRANCE 1296P Super HD dashcam (1080p mode)
- E-PRANCE Car DVR 3H2F GS6000 Ambarella A7
- Falcon Zero F170HD
- Garmin DC20 (Windows version only)
- Gator GHDVR410
- GRDIAN Defendr
- GS1000 “Orange Menu” family of dashcams
- HP f800x, HP F210, HP F310 , HP F520G (Mac version)
- Innovv K1 (2-channel support)
- Innovv K2 (2-channel support)
- ION Adventure Cam
- ION Dashcam WiFi (Mac version)
- iSymDVR app
- Junsun 4K Dash Cam
- Kaisser Baas R20 (Mac version)
- KDLinks R100 Dual-Channel
- Karkam M1
- Kenwood DRV-320
- Koonlung K1S (2-channel support)
- LUKAS LK-7200
- Masai E720
- Mini 0801, Mini 0803, Mini 0805, Mini 0806, Mini 0806S, Mini 0807, Mini 0826 (1080p mode)
- Mini 0801S (Mac version)
- Mini 0906 dual-channel
- MiVue 388
- MiVue 580 (Mac version)
- MiVue 658 (Mac version)
- MiVue 698D dual-channel (Mac version)
- MiVue 792 WiFi Pro (Mac version)
- NavGear Super-HD-Dashcam MDV-3300
- Navicam NC1000W
- Nanoq 0903
- NextBase 302G (Windows version)
- NextBase 412G
- NextBase 512G
- Novatek A118C
- Papago GoSafe S780 2CH
- Papago GoSafe GS34G
- Polaroid E272S
- Polaroid PD-G55H
- Powerucc Panorama II, Panorama S and Panorama X2 (2-Channel support)
- RAC 02, RAC210, and other RAC Dashcams
- Rexing V1LG (2-channel support)
- Rexing V1P (2-channel support) (Gen3 and V1P Pro not supported yet)
- RoadHawk HD, Roadhawk HD-2, Roadhawk DC-2
- ROAV C1 Pro, C2 Pro
- Rove R2-4K
- Rollei CarDVR 100 (Mac version only)
- SeeZeus GT680W
- Silent Witness SW010.1
- SpyTec A119
- Street Guardian SGZC12SG, SG9665GC, SG9663DC (possibly other GuardTrak models as well)
- SONY AS100V Action Cam
- SuperEye RJ0090
- Thinkware F200 2CH
- Thinkware F550 (Mac version only)
- Thinkware F750, F770
- Thinkware F800Pro Dual-Channel
- Transcend DrivePro 220
- Transcend DrivePro 230
- Transcend DrivePro 520, 550 (2-channel support)
- Uniden iGo Cam 60
- V-SYS M6, P6FL
- Vantrue N2 (Mac version. 2-channel support)
- Vantrue N2 Pro (Mac version)
- Vicovation Vico-Marcus1, Vico-Marcus3, Marcus4, Marcus5
- Vicovation Opia2
- Visiondrive VD-9600 2-channel (Requires front/rear channel separation.
- WASPCam POD 9401
- WheelWitness HD Pro (Mac version. Windows version untested)
- Viofo A119, A119S
- Violo A129 2-channel
- Viofo G1W-S
- Whistler D28RS
- Wileye DV-1, 2-channel
- Zetronix zBlackBox-HD3
- Don’t see your dashcam model here? It may work anyway!
What’s NEW:
New Camera Supports:
- Added support for Miofive S1 Ultra 2-channel dashcam
- Added support for Miofive S1 dashcam
- Added support for Viofo A229 Pro with latest firmware (fixes unrecognized 2nd channel video)
- Recognizes Innovv K3 “parking” mode and “accident” mode front/rear files.
- Recognize 12x timelapse mode (supported by Vantrue E1)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug that would crash Dashcam Viewer when loading a Miofive S1 video that had not yet acquired GPS signal.
- Changed the way that DCV ascertains GPS data encoding scheme. Now the midpint file of the video group being loaded is examined for GPS data instead of the first video. The rationale is that the first video is more likely to have incomplete GPS data so choosing the mid file is more promising for detecting the data encoding scheme.
- Minor improvements to Reset Window Positions and Clean Up Windows functions.
Download Dashcam Viewer Portable
Uploadrar – 116.2 MB
RapidGator – 116.2 MB
Dashcam Viewer Users Manual – 2.9 MB