REAPER Portable is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application. REAPER supports ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut, and DirectSound for playback and recording. It reads WAV, OGG, and MP3 files, and records WAV files. You can arrange any number of items in any number of tracks and use audio processing plug-ins (DirectX and Jesusonic). REAPER also supports volume, pan controls and envelopes per track, multi-layer undo/redo, and user creatable color themes.
Reaper is undoubtedly one of the most powerful and famous DAWs (Digital Audio Workstation) out there due to the numerous functions and operations it supports: synthesizing, composing, arranging tracks, editing and mixing, all wrapped in a neatly organized GUI.
All-in-one DAW
You can start a new project from scratch or you can insert your existing audio or MIDI files and enhance them with effects. The available plugins make it possible for you to add effects like reverb, delay and more, make pitch corrections, and perform a variety of other adjustments as well.
The record function comes in handy when you want to capture streams playing on your computer, whereas assigning colors to each track can help you get better visibility within the entire project.
Once you learned your way around Reaper and discovered all of its functions, you can go one step further and associate hotkeys to the actions you use the most, thus speeding up any process.
Packs an audio converter and renamer
In addition to the plethora of features already mentioned, Reaper also comes with an integrated batch converter for quickly encoding your selected tracks to WAV, AIFF, CAF, FLAC, CUE/BIN, MP3 or OGG.
You can also set up a wildcard-based pattern to ensure the generated tracks all share the same filename style, while also modifying the target sample rate, channels and resample modes to your liking. When it comes to metadata, you can either manually add new information, or you can preserve the original data when possible.
Basic features:
– Portable – supports running from USB keys or other removable media
– 64 bit audio engine
– Excellent low-latency performance
– Multiprocessor capable
– Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
– Extremely flexible routing
– Fast, tool-less editing
– Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
– Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
– ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
– Tightly coded – installer is just over 2MB
Editing features:
– Tool-less mouse interface — spend less time clicking
– Drag and drop files to instantly import them into a project
– Support for mixing any combination of file type/samplerate/bit depth on each track
– Easily split, move, and resize items
– Each item has easily manipulated fades and volume
– Tab to transient support
– Configurable and editable automatic crossfading of overlapping items
– Per-item pitch shift and time stretch
– Arbitrary item grouping
– Markers and envelopes can be moved in logical sync with editing operations
– Ripple editing – moving/deletion of items can optionally affect later items
– Multiple tempos and time signatures per project
– Ability to define and edit project via regions
– Automation envelopes
Reaper Portable Release Notes:
+ API: fix offsets of MIDI events generated via StuffMIDIMessage() in VKB mode + ARA: inform plugin of selected region change when editing media item edge changes the number of loop iterations + ARA: support disabling ARA for specific plugins (right-click plugin in FX Add list, does not affect plugins that are already loaded) + Automation: improve drawing performance when updating a single envelope + Automation: optimize FX automation undo/redo, fix related bugs [t=297960] + Color theme: add folder_start + Color theme: support theme images for transport tempo basis + Crossfades: fix grouped crossfades going out of sync when edit reaches the end of the media item + Filenames: add preference for suffix format to use when auto-incrementing filenames + FX: add option in Preferences/Audio to auto-bypass plug-ins whose PDC exceeds a threshold when record-armed + JSFX: tweak various plug-ins to look better when embedded in TCP/mixer on retina displays [t=298477] + Linux: allow using JACK with ALSA-MIDI devices by configuring JACK with 0 MIDI inputs/outputs + Localization: add option to show control IDs in debug tooltip, reduce debug tooltip delay + Localization: prevent refresh of preferences help via holding alt+shift, allowing localization-tooltips to display + Localization: support better expansion logic via auto_expand keyword on 5CA1E lines + Localization: support for per-control scaling via 5CA1E lines, using the syntax =1 1 @ctl_id=scale ... + Localization: support localizing 1/4, 1/8, etc via grid section + Localization: support localizing 1/4, 1/8, etc in tempo beat basis via marker section + macOS: fix unintended clearing of menu item modifiers in various menus + Meters: avoid potentially displaying track meters in the wrong location for tracks that are slightly offscreen + MIDI: avoid note-off/retriggers when SetObjState(item) is called with trivial changes (fixes playback glitches with various scripts and SWS MIDI editor actions) + MIDI editor: fix possible crash when opening editor + Project load: hide any FX UIs when displaying project-load warnings to ensure that warning window is visible + Razor edits: improve behavior when pasting razor edits into a fixed lane track [p=2843440] + ReaScript: add spectral edit API via SetMediaItemTakeInfo_Value(), etc + ReaScript: preserve existing tempo beat basis when calling SetTempoTimeSigMarker() [p=2847987] + ReaScript: SetObjState(item) runs synchronously if not recording + ReaScript: update Main_SaveProjectEx() to allow updating project filename + Record input menu: fix setting MIDI inputs sequentially by device + Record input menu: improve MIDI device/channel selection, sequential mapping modes + RS5k: fix incorrect sample length when note-off occurs in same audio block as note-on [t=262988] + Tempo/time signature: add actions to switch timebase (time/beats) + Tempo/time signature: fix action to apply playrate to tempo when tempo beat basis is not 1/4 [t=298732] + Tempo/time signature: ignore mixed timebase when editing tempo marker, adjusting previous tempo [t=291765] + Track/Region/Group Manager: pressing enter key initiates editing the name field of the currently selected row + Transport: improve vertical centering of tempo beat basis display + VST: improve VST2 to VST3 migration compatibility, including moduleinfo.json and IPluginCompatibility + VST: perform fast metadata-only scanning for plug-ins that define their classes via moduleinfo.json + VST: also look for xyz.vst3-moduleinfo.json, nonstandard but useful on Windows + Windows: reposition edit box when scrolling listview in Track Manager, Region Manager, Group Manager
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